Press area

Medical hypnosis invites the subconscious to think in different ways and thus influence physical processes.

about Dr Struck

In me, you will find:

a professional point of contact for hypnosis, body-mind medicine, women's health and physical medicine. An experienced physician with over 25 years of practical experience who wrote her doctoral thesis on psychotherapy research and can break down complex topics in a way that is easy to understand.

You won't find:

esotericism, frilly dresses, scented candles, pastel colours and other such things!

Medical hypnosis is an internationally recognised form of treatment and I am an experienced gynaecologist with around 30 years of experience treating patients and as a speaker.

Dr med Dorothee Struck press site

Would you like to arrange an interview with me?

I am happy to be available for interviews for print, online and TV formats and to share my knowledge of medical hypnosis, gynaecology and obstetrics.

[email protected]

Telephone: +357 99676643

My topics

Image material
available to download

The use of the images for media
reporting about me is free of charge.

„Lichtartistin“Melanie Eltermann, Kiel

Dropbox image folder